Torah Lady Services

Cantorial services, Jewish lifecycle events, B’nai mitzvah coaching

Lois Kittner offers a full range of cantorial services to individuals and families, from the unaffiliated who seek guidance and tutoring to those marking a lifecycle event. Lois brings her love of Jewish liturgy, expertise in chanting and cantillation, and her passion for all things musical to every engagement. She also designs customized Jewish services, and creates and officiates at Jewish lifecycle events. 

Cantorial and Jewish educational services

· Adult Hebrew reading lessons – learn to read Hebrew from the prayer book, understand prayers for a more meaningful personal synagogue experience, or work towards an adult bar/bat mitzvah service

· B’nai mitzvah coaching for teens and adults – learn to chant Torah or haftarah at any age, or brush up on your chanting skills

· Jewish lifecycle events – Custom-tailored weddings, baby namings, funerals, unveilings, memorial services

· Jewish practice in the home – learn how to create a meaningful Shabbat experience, delve into the Jewish holidays and develop family-centric experiences for you and your children

· Tutoring for rabbinic students – prepare for your future pulpit with private training in nusach, cantillation and ritual skills

· Virtual tutoring available via Zoom or FaceTime

Contact Lois Kittner to discuss your lifecycle event, b’nai mitzvah coaching or tutoring needs: 201-637-9575 or 

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